The Killers (1956 film)

The Killers Russian , translit.Ubiytsy is a 1956 student film by the Soviet and Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky and his fellow students Marika Beiku and Aleksandr Gordon. The film is based on the short story The Killers by Ernest Hemingway, written in 1927. It was Tarkovskys first film, produced when he was a student at the State Institute of Cinematography VGIK.

The first scene shows Nick Adams Yuli Fait observing two gangsters Valentin Vinogradov and Boris Novikov in black coats and black hats entering a smalltown diner where Adams is eating. They tell the owner, George Aleksandr Gordon, that they are searching for the boxer Ole Andreson and that they want to kill him. They tie up Nick Adams and the cook, and wait for Ole Andreson to appear. Three customers enter the restaurant and are sent away by George. One of the customers is played by Tarkovsky, who whistles Lullaby of Birdland.The second scene shows Nick Adams visiting Ole Andreson Vasiliy Shukshin in his hideout, a small room. He warns Andreson about the two gangsters, but Andreson is resigned to his fate and unwilling to flee. ........

Source: Wikipedia